The Company's strategy revolves around the development of oil fields for the extraction of crude oil in commercial quantities. The strategic processes involve the prospecting of oil, its extraction, building of hundreds of miles of transportation pipelines, secure storage, and finally the loading of crude on oil tankers around the world.
The Company operates under specific international agreements and the directives of the OPEC.
On the occasion of the EID Al-ADHA (1439H - 2018AD)
The Amal Field is located in the Sirte basin and is Harouge’s largest and most important oil field. Amal field covers a large area of approximately 35 x 120 km. It neighbours 10 other concessions which are operated by Gulf Oil, Wintershall Libya Ltd, and Azwaitina.
The En Naga Field (concession 177) is part of the Camel Area Fields, and is located in southeaster tip of the Sirt Basin. The oil reserves of the overall area were discovered in 1968.
The Tibisti Field is located in the central area of the Sirte basin which covers an area of approximately 3,000 sq km and is surrounded by a number of oil fields operated by other companies.
The Jofra field, formerly known as “The Crater Field”, is located at a distance of 100km from the Ghani field. Jofra is Harouge’s first production field dating back to 1963, with 10,000 bpd at that time. The main reservoirs include Mabruk, Thalith and Kalash.
The Ghani Field was discovered in 1972 in the western Sirte Basin with estimated oil reserves of half billion barrels. The Ghani Farrud oil reservoir was discovered in January 1978, while the Ghani main station was built and began operation in 1980
The Farigh Field was discovered in 1969 and is located in the eastern Sirte Basin, some 70 km south of the Amal Field. It is producing